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Camden / Marylebone Map 1862-71 (Kirkwood Rd GREY Inset from 1885 map)
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Year Address Resides/Married Here
1851 1 York Street Thomas King, Lodging with other shoe makers
1861 Dukesfield Terrace Thomas & Martha, & Family - profession Master Cordwainer (bespoke shoemaker)
1871 130 Weedington Road Thomas & Martha & Family - Thomas is a Master Cordwainer, Thomas Charles King is a carpenter
1881 154 Prince Wales Road Thomas & Martha & Family - Thomas is a Master Cordwainer
1881 8 Kirkwood Road Thomas Charles King and his Wife Eliza and family live here. Thomas Charles is now a paper hanger
1891 9 Harmood Street Thomas Charles King and his Wife Eliza and family live here. Thomas Charles is now a paper hanger & plasterer
1901 26 Harmood Street Thomas Charles King and his Wife Eliza and family live here. Thomas Charles is a paper hanger

The change of address in Harmood street could simply be the renumbering of houses that went on at the time with the expansion of the area, it was usual to renumber addresses if roads were changed. Alternatively of course it could just mean they moved a few doors away which was also a common practice at the time

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